INMHA Institute Advisory Board Members

Dr. Simone Vigod (Chair)
Head, Department of Psychiatry, Women’s College Hospital
Professor and Vice-Chair Clinical Innovation, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto

Mark Asbridge
Professor and Head, Department of Community Health and Epidemiology with cross-appointment in Department of Emergency Medicine, Dalhousie University

Marie-Hélène Boudrias
Associate Professor, School of Physical and Occupational Therapy, McGill University

Florence Dzierszinski
President, University of Ottawa Institute of Mental Health Research (IMHR), The Royal
Vice-President of Research, The Royal

Nadia Fairbairn
Assistant Professor & Philip Owen Professorship, Addiction Medicine, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia
Scientist, British Columbia Centre for Substance Use

Rita Isabel Henderson
Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Department of Community Health Sciences, University of Calgary

Emily Jenkins
Associate Professor, Faculty of Applied Science, School of Nursing, The University of British Columbia

Jibran Khokhar
Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University

Andrew T. Olagunju
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences, McMaster University
Psychiatrist, Joseph’s Healthcare

Melissa Perreault
Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Guelph

Tabrez Siddiqui
Associate Professor, Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology, University of Manitoba
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