CIHR across Canada

We have collected stories about CIHR-funded research below. These stories are published by research institutions (not CIHR) and may only be available in one official language.

We will refresh this list every month, so check back regularly and help us celebrate health research from coast to coast to coast.


Gene found in ovarian cancer cells identified as potential new target for treatment
A research team slowed down tumour growth and the spread of cancer in mice by ‘turning off’ a particular gene.
University of Alberta


Hard-to-study region of the brain comes alive during our deepest sleep
This discovery helps researchers better understand how mammals learn and make memories, which could one day lead to treatments for neurological disorders like dementia.
University of Alberta


Drug discovery could prevent spread of childhood bone cancer
The study’s findings in mice reduced the spread of cancer to the lungs by 90 per cent and shrunk the primary tumour site.
University of British Columbia


Bridging science and care: Enhancing parenting interventions for early childhood development
Study shows that actions or steps meant to improve parenting practices do not focus enough on the mental health of parents, which is a key part of a child’s development.
Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre


Scientists caution against hasty conclusions when trying alternative remedies
Study shows that the belief that one action caused a later event because they happened in sequence can lead to people continuing to use unproven treatments or a missed diagnosis.
University of Toronto


Improving pneumonia outcomes
Researchers identify a way to predict how severe the disease will be in children hospitalized with pneumonia.
University Health Network


A pandemic of despair
A study found that COVID-19 and the resulting job losses led more young Canadians to have thoughts of suicide for the first time.
Université de Montréal


The many hats of a sepsis expert
Researcher is passionate about finding tools to recognize sepsis sooner.
Hamilton Health Sciences


Research sheds new light on the pandemic’s impact on Canada’s youth
Initial findings suggest a decline in mental health.
McMaster University


The elderly still take too many potentially inappropriate drugs
Research shows that in 2021, 42 per cent of people in Canada over age 65 took at least one potentially inappropriate medication.
Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre


How academic institutions can build diversity in health care research
A new study showed that primary care researchers who face racism, sexism, and bias against being a parent have the most challenges in moving their research forward and advancing in their careers.
University of British Columbia


A medication used to treat diabetes helps the immune system recognize and reduce the amount of HIV in the body
This discovery could help lessen or maybe even eliminate the amount of virus in people already taking medication to control HIV.
The CHUM Research Centre (CRCHUM)


New insights could help prevent psychosis relapses in youth and young adults
Research findings could help doctors better recognize when timely actions are needed to prevent a full relapse.
McGill University


Answering challenging research questions that could save lives
Addressing a particular antibiotic resistant bacteria and ethical organ recovery are two new groundbreaking studies led by Canadian researchers.
Western University


Research finds sex-based differences in how brains handle threats
Discovery highlights how important it is to include both male and female subjects in research.
McGill University


Research projects to focus on antimicrobial resistance and health system training
The projects will create platforms that support training and mentorship.
University of Calgary


Study could lead to better surgery recovery
Research to look at whether regular exercise and better nutrition and medication management in the weeks and months before surgery helps people recover faster.
Ontario Hospital Association


Canada-wide trial studying cell therapy for preterm babies
The clinical trial is aimed at helping premature babies who develop a condition because their lungs are damaged from breathing machines.
The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute


Researcher to study how memories are made
Research aims to identify early signs of memory problems.
University of Lethbridge


Personalizing Alzheimer’s care
Understanding how genetics, lifestyle and environmental factors impact the onset, progression, and symptoms of dementia.
Simon Fraser University


Trojan horse treatment for neurodegenerative disease
Research uses tiny particles that carry molecules to the brain to target mutant proteins.
University of Waterloo


Advancing mental health research for marginalized groups
Research focused on the mental health challenges faced by women, youth and families from diverse and marginalized backgrounds.
York University


New study reveals breastfeeding duration influences infant microbiome and respiratory development
Breastfeeding beyond three months supports an infant’s digestive system and nasal cavity.
University of Manitoba


New drug molecule could help treat Parkinson’s disease in young patients
Study shows how a new drug molecule could help prevent neuron loss.
Canadian Light Source and McGill University


Research project aimed at reducing heart conditions in pregnancy
The project will create a network aimed at reducing heart-related deaths and serious illness during and after pregnancy.
McMaster University


Canadian research teams hope to transform women’s heart and brain health over next five years
Researchers to help create a better understanding of women’s risk factors for heart conditions during pregnancy and improve diagnosis and treatment of women living with the effects of stroke.
The Heart and Stroke Foundation


Proper functioning of the human body
Research discovers an intercellular communication system.
Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal


Tumour engineering could provide a powerful new approach to make more cancer patients eligible for targeted immunotherapies
Tumour engineering reprograms a patient’s tumour so that an existing treatment can work.
The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute


Growing up with a dog may be good for your gut health
Study shows early exposure to dogs is linked to a healthier gut and reduced risk of developing Crohn’s disease.
University of Toronto and Sinai Health


Researchers discover what hinders DNA repair in patients with Huntington’s disease
Huntington’s disease is a genetic disorder that affects the brain and causes the gradual deterioration of nerve cells.
McMaster University


Study confirms value of biomarker testing in dementia care
Biomarker testing helped doctors, patients and family members make better, more personalized care decisions.
Brain Canada Foundation


Studying how Canadian kids were affected by the pandemic
Data comparing the health of children before and after the pandemic now available to help inform future policies and programs.
Hamilton Health Sciences


Research into Indigenous discrimination
Researcher studies the complexity of strength and the discrimination faced by self-identifying Indigenous women.
Brock University


Unmarried, unwanted, unsafe: New sexual and reproductive health research in Morocco is breaking barriers to keep women healthy
Two research projects providing deeper insight of the significant challenges women in vulnerable situations are facing.
International Development Research Centre


Researchers addressing pressing lung health challenges
Research to examine the lung health impacts of wildfires and vaping.
University of British Columbia


Groundbreaking work on histamine and emerging pathogens
Understanding how microbes and hosts interact can lead to new ways to treat bacterial threats.
University of Saskatchewan


Boosting Indigenous youth mental health services
Initiative aims to advance culturally affirming, high-quality care.
McGill University


Dream discovery: Melatonin's key role in REM sleep revealed
A significant breakthrough in the understanding of sleep mechanism offers promise for treating some sleep disorders.
Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre


The role of public health in climate change action
Public health agencies have a key role to play in providing information about the risks a changing climate will have on human health.
University of Guelph


Promising new brain cancer treatment blocks glioblastoma cells
Researchers used gene-editing technology to find the path cancer cells use to infiltrate the brain.
McMaster University


Canada Research Chair (CRC) spotlight: Researcher identifies barriers to young people's well-being
CRC's work explores socio-economic factors that detract from, or support, youth physical and mental health.
Brock University


HIIT after a stroke: One-minute bursts of high-intensity exercise help stroke survivors
Fitness levels doubled in some trial participants.
McMaster University


First national One Health Training Program to prepare leaders for next pandemic
Several universities are joining forces to create the first-of-its-kind program.
University of Guelph


Researchers develop RNA-targeting technology to precisely manipulate parts of human genes
The new tool makes a broad range of applications possible.
University of Toronto


Un premier programme canadien de formation « Une seule santé » sur les zoonoses émergentes (available in French only) [Canada's first "One Health" training program on emerging animal disease that can be transmitted to humans]
Plus de 75 % des agents pathogènes sont d'origine animale. [More than 75% of emerging pathogens are of animal origin.]
Université de Montréal


Researchers crack a celiac mystery: Where does the gluten reaction begin?
For people with celiac disease, foods with gluten can trigger painful symptoms, hinder the absorption of nutrients, and raise the risk of other long-term issues.
McMaster University


First-ever nationwide One Health training program
Six universities across Canada have partnered to develop a cutting edge One Health training, mentorship and education program.
University of Saskatchewan


Supporting a prostate cancer clinical trial
The trial will study a drug in the hopes of improving prostate cancer care.
Canadian Cancer Trials Group


Researchers to run clinical trials for patients with hepatitis C and long COVID
Trials to test a new vaccine and treatment.
University of Alberta


Exciting advance in stem cell therapy
Researchers find new way to manipulate stem cells into different types of cells, which may be used to help treat certain conditions.
McGill University


Research to test pneumonia treatment and expand network of research sites
The clinical trial will look at whether combining a steroid drug with antibiotics will help patients.
University of Manitoba


New AI tool could help doctors better see inside babies' brains
Researchers develop AI method to analyze ultrasound images.
University of Guelph


MicroRNA could protect the kidneys, according to animal study
Tiny molecule may be able to help patients who lose kidney function because of a serious illness.
The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute


Cardiopathies congénitales : nouveau financement pour mettre sur pied un consortium de recherche pancanadien (available in French only) [Congenital heart disease (CHD): New funding to set up a pan-Canadian research consortium]
Research to look at how brain health evolves with age for those with CHD.
CHU Sainte-Justine


Researcher examining child and youth multimorbidity
Children living with a physical illness are also at a greater risk for a mental illness.
University of Waterloo


Researchers to study orphanhood in Canada [story in French only] [Des chercheurs étudient le phénomène de l'orphelinage au Canada]
This first-of-its-kind study aims to offer a portrait of the health and special needs of orphans under the age of 25 living in Canada.
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi


Researchers develop AI model to predict 'very dynamic peptide structures'
Peptides are molecules that are part of many processes in our bodies.
University of Toronto


Expert nationally recognized for inclusive research
Dr. Val Fajardo is the Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Tissue Remodelling and Plasticity Throughout the Lifespan.
Brock University


Researcher to evaluate the impact of BC's only prison-based therapeutic community
Research to examine substance use disorders among incarcerated individuals.
Simon Fraser University


Research pinpoints how early-life antibiotics turn immunity into allergy
Reduced microbes in a newborn's gut can lead to respiratory allergies.
University of British Columbia


Researchers discover high levels of non-coding RNAs in testes, suggesting new roles in sperm function and evolution
Non-coding RNAs are important molecules for keeping cells functioning properly.
University of Toronto


Nursing professor funded for dementia care study
The study will support communication and decision-making for family caregivers of people living with dementia.
University of Manitoba


Hepatic disease: A camu-camu fruit extract to reduce liver fat
The fruit may help people with fatty liver disease.
Université Laval


Self-repairing mitochondria use novel recycling system, study finds
Mitochondria are tiny structures inside of cells that carry out many different critical functions.
The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)


Molecular profiling can help identify the best treatment approaches for meningiomas
Meningiomas are the most common primary brain tumour in adults.
University Health Network


Type 2 Diabetes: New light on cellular mechanisms causing insulin resistance
Research looked at a particular protein's role in insulin resistance.
Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal – Université de Montréal


A quest for a new malaria vaccine
A dedicated scientist and father of two, Dr. Danton Ivanochko is part of a global effort to prevent malaria.
The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)


New insights on brain-spinal communication in opioid withdrawal lead to a clinical trial
The clinical trial will study whether a drug for gout can help with the symptoms of opioid withdrawal.
University of Calgary


Researchers introduce a scalable, cost-effective solution for single-cell profiling
Single-cell profiling studies individual cells in great detail.
Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre


Physiotherapists get patients moving early in international ICU cycling trial
In-bed cycling safe for patients on ventilators to help combat weakening muscles.
The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute


The brain's balancing system
A small number of dopamine neurons play a critical role in controlling a wide range of behaviours.
McGill University


New study yields significant insight into a major driver of Alzheimer's Disease
Different versions of a protein receptor may either increase susceptibility to the disease or protect against it.
University of Alberta


Research into aging-related cell damage
New research is exploring how aging damages cells and how that aging might be countered.
University of Saskatchewan


Decoding the spread of lung cancer
Discovery could lead to treatments that help stop the tumour from spreading.
University Health Network


Study reveals how urban design shapes health of Canadian adults
New research highlights the importance of neighbourhood walkability and green spaces.
University of Calgary


Regulations grounded in research are saving lives by adding restrictions to tobacco
Meet the Waterloo researchers using science to improve the lives of millions by battling the leading preventable cause of death.
University of Waterloo


A new tool for cellular analysis
The tool helps identify different types or cells and their positing in tissues.
University Health Network


Proteins and fats can drive insulin production for some, paving way for tailored nutrition
A recent study shows that for some people, it’s not just foods like bread and pasta that drive the body to create insulin.
The University of British Columbia


Collaboration was key to discovery about newborn immunity
Discovery could lead to treatments for sepsis, lung disease and other complications in premature newborns.
BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute


A new agreement is a game-changer for clinical research
The agreement helps get clinical studies started much faster for the benefit of patients.
The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute


Faster, cheaper, more efficient: Building Canada’s capacity for pragmatic clinical trials
Training program coaches researchers on how to conduct studies that leverage existing healthcare staff and real-world data sources.
Western University


Uncovering regulators of arthritis
Study identifies key proteins that drive inflammatory disease.
University Health Network


Senior Scientist renewed as Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Biomedical Ultrasound
CRC’s work looks at focused ultrasound technology, which uses soundwaves to generate beneficial effects in tissues.
Sunnybrook Research Institute


New research reveals how immunotherapy drugs and viruses can work together to kill cancer cells
Research uncovers a certain protein’s role in our immune system and how to potentially make cancer cells more vulnerable to cancer-killing viruses.
The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute


National network to accelerate research for rare diseases in kids
Network also aims to give children with rare diseases the opportunity to participate in clinical trials closer to home.
The University of Manitoba


Research explores sustainability’s connection to health living
Researchers are part of a global effort to develop and evaluate a program that empowers youth to be leaders and agents of change for sustainability and healthy living.
Brock University


L’activité physique annule certains impacts négatifs de l’alitement chez les personnes âgées (in French only) [Physical activity cancels out some negative impacts of bed rest in older adults]
One hour of exercise per day helps maintain good muscle health.
Université du Québec à Montréal


Eating disorders among adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic
Research results highlights the indirect effects of health measures when managing pandemics.
Université de Montréal and CHU Sainte-Justine


Researchers find a possible therapeutic target for aggressive and deadly pediatric brain tumours
Scientists find that these tumours have unique features that could be targeted for treatment.
The Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre


Systemic sclerosis is on the rise in Quebec, especially in children, study finds
Systemic sclerosis involves the hardening and tightening of the skin and may cause problems in blood vessels, internal organs, and the digestive tract.
McGill University


The molecule that could alleviate stroke-related brain injury
Research finds a new way to protect the brain from damage caused by a stroke.
The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)


Building a brain atlas
Researchers build the first-ever detailed map of blood vessels in the human brain at the molecular level.
University Health Network


Research to help build a trauma-informed workforce in long-term care.
The research will support the mental health of long-term care workers.
Toronto Metropolitan University


Research tackles barriers preventing internationally educated workers from practising in Canada.
Research aims to help streamline rules across provinces and territories.
Athabasca University


Opioids: a nudge to reduce consumption
Study finds that education can help people who are long-term users of prescription opioids cut their dosages.
Université de Montréal


Women and social exclusion: The complicated nature of rejection and retaliation
A new study delves into the complexities of women’s interpersonal relationships.
The University of Ottawa


Cellular inflammation uncovered in rare neurodegenerative condition
Inflammation may be responsible or have role in causing severe symptoms.
The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)


Research aims to find ways to retain nursing workforce
Mentorship and other approaches will be explored.
University of Calgary


Immunoengineering the human heart
Researchers engineer heart tissue to shed light on how early immune cells contribute to heart development.
University Health Network


Helping people living with dementia ‘flourish’ through dance
Seniors’ dance program to incorporate traditions from marginalized communities.
University Health Network


‘In order to be healthy, you have to know who you are.’
Elders share cultural knowledge with First Nations youth in wellness-focused pilot projects.
The University of Alberta


A modernized Clinical Trials Network to tackle health challenges associated with HIV and other sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections in Canada
Network aims to address the challenges of coinfections and developing vaccines and a cure.
The Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre


Supporting Université de Montréal’s Clinique Mauve
The clinic serves immigrant and racialized LGBTQIA+ communities.
Université de Montréal


Dal researcher leads national team to improve lung health
The team aims to create a national patient registry, connect researchers with data and train the next generation of respiratory health researchers.
Dalhousie University


Strengthening capacity to support Indigenous youth mental health services
Supporting a national initiative to provide culturally affirming, high quality mental health services for Indigenous youth.
Lakehead University


Examining the health risks of vaping among young people in Canada
New research will follow more than 1,000 young people for two years to study the health impacts of vaping.
The University of Waterloo


Indigenous scholar’s research will better our understanding of how nicotine exposure impacts neurodevelopment
Researcher will use zebrafish to replicate what it’s like to be exposed to nicotine in different stages of life.
The University of Alberta


When a deep breath can make you sick
Studying the impact that wildfire smoke has on people with asthma.
Queen’s University


Voices for positive change: South African women tell their stories
Research projects revealing women’s stories, ideas and solutions to their post-pandemic recovery.
International Development Research Centre


A simple feedback letter improves how family doctors prescribe antibiotics
Family doctors play a big role in preventing the overuse or misuse of antibiotics.
The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute


Is holding a referendum on equality stressful for LGBTQIA+ people?
A study examining a 2021 referendum in Switzerland helps demonstrate how changes and potential changes in law affect public health.
Université de Montréal


Triple-negative breast cancer: New hope for an existing drug
Triple-negative breast cancer is a type of breast cancer that most often affects women under 50.
The Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre


Breakthrough identifies gene that may reverse Parkinson’s disease symptoms
Research discovery in fruit flies may translate to clinical treatment in humans
Simon Fraser University


Study identifies key role for pharmacists in stroke risk reduction
Findings show pharmacists could fill a gap in care for people with atrial fibrillation who are at a high risk of stroke.
University of Calgary


Lab discovery suggests possible new approach for treating progressive multiple sclerosis
Research shows that a certain molecule could be the key to developing new treatments.
The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute


New study highlights global disparities in activity limitations and assistive device use
Research shows that people with disabilities in low-and-middle-income countries face more challenges with daily activities and are less likely to use assistive devices.
McMaster University


McMaster trial to test if a smallpox vaccine can provide protection against mpox post exposure
This strategy of post-exposure vaccination could show promise in reducing spread and helping people recover more quickly.
McMaster University


Music teacher composes second career as ‘patient researcher’
Online program qualifies patients to work shoulder-to-shoulder with hospital and university research teams.
Hamilton Health Sciences


The cellular secret of how memories are made, and lost
Scientists use a peptide to strengthen connections between brain cells and restore memory in a pre-clinical model
The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)


Strengthening health workforce through Indigenous care
Research aims to improve clinical care for Indigenous Peoples in Alberta’s primary care networks.
University of Alberta


Respiratory scientists to study the role of mucus in asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and chronic cough
Research aims to improve diagnosis and treatment of chronic respiratory diseases.
The Research Institute of St. Joe’s Hamilton


Study pinpoints role of specialized cells in baby gut health
Research shows that certain cells are crucial for balanced gut microbiome in unborn babies, with lower levels leading to long-term health issues.
University of Alberta


Novel approach to study hypoxia leads researchers to identify a potential new marker for ovarian cancers
The new potential marker may predict aggressiveness and survival of ovarian cancer.
Université de Montréal


After a tragic loss, a career devoted to organ regeneration
Dr. Darcy Wagner, recently appointed as a Canada Excellence Research Chair, leads the charge in advancing bioengineered therapies for acute and chronic lung disease.
McGill University


Optimizing HIV care during pregnancy
A new study investigates the impact of HIV medications on child development.
University Health Network


Rare dementia support
Research project will examine how best to support patients and families.
Nipissing University


Metabolism research using fruit flies
A molecule found in flies and humans may lead to better, sex-specific ways to prevent and treat obesity.
University of Saskatchewan


Immersive workout
Study shows the benefits of virtual reality workouts.
University of Victoria


Virtual reality for rehabilitation
Exploring the link between concussion symptoms and visual stimulation.
University Health Network


A clinical trial shows benefits of finding and treating undiagnosed asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
This innovative Canadian study is a word’s first.
McGill University Health Centre and the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute


Pregnancy complications can lead to mothers’ lifelong risk of cardiovascular disease
Researcher to study why this happens and develop ways to prevent it.
University of Alberta


Mindfulness study aims to help reduce HIV risks
Project builds connection, resilience for North African and Middle Eastern LGBTQIA+ communities
Western University


Indigenous-led substance use research program
Program to develop substance use interventions grounded in Indigenous knowledge and experience.
University of Saskatchewan


Undoing the effects of COVID-19 by advancing gender equity in Africa’s informal sector
Women RISE initiative generates evidence on how the pandemic impacted women’s health and socio-economic wellbeing.
International Development Research Centre


Many healthcare providers are ill-equipped to recognize pain in abused children
Study finds only 13 per cent of those surveyed received training on child maltreatment and its effects on pain assessment.
McGill University


Research on dementia care
Researchers to study the impact of day programs on individuals living with dementia and their caregivers.
York University


Substance use research to improve practice and policy across the country
The Canadian Research Initiative in Substance Matters (CRISM) is a national network providing the evidence needed to create effective intervention programs and services.
University of Calgary


Genetically altering proteins could inform treatment for children with epilepsy
Researchers find they can restore cell growth and other functions typically hindered by conditions that affect the brain.
The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)


Clinical trial confirms that an antacid helps prevent bleeding in patients on breathing machines
The research provides critical care teams with certainty about treating patients with the medication typically used to treat heartburn.
McMaster University


Transitioning from pediatric to adult care
Video series helps youth who have experienced long hospital stays.
Montreal Clinical Research Institute


Research investigates how long a certain skin cancer treatment should be to get the best results
The study’s results also aim to help predict how patients will respond to the treatment.
Canadian Cancer Trials Group and Queen’s University


Paving the way for precision dosing for neonatal infants
Research seeks to find out the proper dose for infants less than four weeks old.
The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) and the University of Waterloo


A revelation in protein folding offers hope for potential ALS medicines
Research suggests repurposing an existing chemotherapy drug could slow or stop the deadly neurodegenerative disease.
University of Alberta


Researchers at the forefront of global innovation in refugee health
Canadian Refugee Healthcare Atlas at the heart of efforts to reshape life for refugees around the world.
University of Calgary


Indigenous nursing master’s program marks milestones
This Fall, First Nations and Métis nurses from across BC will embark on a first-of-its kind Indigenous nursing master's program.
University of Victoria


Imaging technology captures how neurons communicate with new clarity
For the first time ever, researchers can see how neurons communicate at the atomic level.
The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)


Canadian researcher co-leads international team that develops simple test for fatal genetic heart condition
Dr. Wayne Chen says the test will revolutionize diagnosis for Calcium Release Deficiency Syndrome
University of Calgary


Researchers develop technology for precisely manipulating parts of human genes
The new tool may be able to help study how genes function and regulate or fix defects in human disorders and diseases.
Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research – University of Toronto


A potential new indicator of lung and other cancers
Researchers uncover the role that a certain enzyme plays in regulating a key protein related to cancers.
University Health Network


A new hope for neurological treatments
Study finds a promising non-invasive technique to boost brain function and aid recovery.
University Health Network


Scientists discover high-risk form of endometrial cancer and how to test for it using AI
This type of endometrial cancer would otherwise go unrecognized by traditional ways of diagnosing cancer.
University of British Columbia


Depression in adolescents linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease
New study calls for a more personalized preventative care.
The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)


New international virtual lab aspires to create gender equity in sport and exercise
The EDGE Lab will explore gendered environments in elite sport, inequities in everyday exercise environments and inclusive youth sport and physical activity.
University of Manitoba


Spinal cord formation in the embryo: the role of a protein family understood
Discovery opens the door to exploring ways to repair spinal cord damage.
Université de Montréal


Researchers develop deep-learning model that outperforms Google AI system to predict peptide structures
Peptides are molecules that are part of many processes in our bodies and understanding their structure and role could lead to new therapies.
Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research – University of Toronto


Study aims to understand how NeuroTracker helps brain injury survivors improve cognition
NeuroTracker is a video game that strengthens connections in the brain.
University of Victoria


‘Build back trust,’ says Canada Research Chair in Applied Pediatric Immunization
Shannon MacDonald works with communities to figure out the best way to deliver information and vaccines.
University of Alberta


Researchers discover compounds made by gut bacteria that can treat inflammation
The compound can be harnessed to reduce inflammation and other symptoms of digestive issues.
The University of Toronto – Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research


Researchers uncover how cells change when faced with Salmonella
Discovery gives new insight into why Salmonella infects humans so quickly.
The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)


A promising new avenue for cancer immunotherapy
Researchers use a certain type of cell that shows promise in being able to stop tumours from growing.
The University of British Columbia


Meet the new Scientific Director of the CIHR Institute of Population and Public Health
Dr. Katherine Frolich welcomes her new role.
Université de Montréal


‘Fiery' cell death ignites immunity: A new hope for cancer treatment
Study suggests harnessing an ‘explosive' kind of cancer cell death as a therapy for hard-to-treat cancers.
University of Guelph


How a master neuron controls movement in worms with implications for human disease
Part of the nervous system plays a key role in controlling a worm's ability to shift between forward and backward movement.
University of Toronto


Boosting immunotherapy efficiency
Tweaking a certain cell's metabolism may enhance immunotherapy and offer longer-lasting benefits for patients.
University Health Network


Research projects focused on child and family development
Projects aim to improve the lives of women and children affected by violence, adversity, and depression.
The University of Calgary


Two decades in the making – world-first trial aims to heal the lungs of preemies
Stem cells from the umbilical cord to be used to prevent premature and low-weight babies from developing a chronic lung disease.
The Ottawa Hospital Foundation


Researchers uncover DNA repair mechanism that could yield treatments for cancer, premature aging
Research gives insight into how human cells stay healthy.
The University of Toronto


Researchers discover natural compounds that selectively kill parasites
The compounds stall a process parasites use to survive in the human gut.
The University of Toronto – Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research


New tools help teams share research evidence with communities
Guidance tools help build trust and transparency.
Michael Smith Health Research BC


How frailty can impact lung disease
Until now, the impacts of frailty on hospitalized patients, particularly those experiencing flare-ups, were largely unknown.
University Health Network


New patient registries for rare diseases
Registries will improve health care and outcomes for children and families.
CHEO Research Institute


Researchers find a new way to potentially activate neurons that deplete in Parkinson's disease
Research suggests a possible approach to treating the disease.
The University of Toronto


Patients with neurological disease are likelier to die after COVID
Study also shows higher numbers of neurological disorder diagnoses among people with pre-existing conditions in the months after they have COVID.
The University of Alberta


Dal scientists find repeated, small hits to head in football players can damage blood vessels in the brain
Damage may contribute to brain dysfunction in some athletes years later.
Dalhousie University


Healing faster: Unveiling the future of tissue and organ repair
Scientists create a jelly-like material that could offer on-the-spot repair of damaged organs and tissue.
The University of Ottawa


New models for eye disease
Transplanted cells from the retina offer a promising avenue to deliver therapies directly to damaged areas of the eye.
University Health Network


Study reveals that molecular changes are the reason why arteries harden with age
Targeting the molecular changes could lead to treatments for cardiovascular disease.
The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute


Unravelling the link between pesticide exposure and Parkinson's disease
Research sheds light on possible disease triggers.
The University of British Columbia


Groundbreaking advance in lupus research
Recent discovery could pave the way for future therapies.
The Montreal Clinical Research Institute – Université de Montréal


Study underscores new strategies to fight drug-resistant bacteria
Researchers conduct one of the largest genetic studies looking at cholera bacteria, bacteria killers and antibiotics.
McGill University


World-first trial shows benefits of finding, treating undiagnosed asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
As many as 70 per cent of patients go undiagnosed
The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and McGill University Health Centre


Hope for a cure for an often-fatal infectious disease
Leishmaniasis is a tropical disease with a growing number of cases being diagnosed each year.
Institut national de la recherche scientifique

21-05-24 Better suicide prevention in Nunavut (story available in French only) [Pour mieux prévenir le suicide au Nunavut]
Researchers look at factors among Inuit youth that help prevent suicide to contribute to prevention plans rooted in local culture and needs.
Université du Québec à Montréal

CHILD-BRIGHT members ‘connect the dots' at research community event
Research networks help researchers address the needs of people with lived and living experience.
The CHILD-BRIGHT Network and the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC)


Designing and testing a new app to help palliative care families access care
The iRespite app aims to match families in need with trained respite care providers.
McGill University


New research centre focuses on quality-of-life improvements for people affected by trauma and mental health issues
The Centre for Trauma and Mental Health Research aims to develop approaches to prevent, detect and treat different forms of trauma and related mental health issues.
Vancouver Island University


Research to improve kidney care
Research projects to tackle challenges in the healthcare system.
Lawson Health Research Institute


Researchers identify a protein that could help treat obesity and metabolic disorders
The protein helps regulate body weight and how much food is consumed.
The University of Saskatchewan


Expert explainer: Ethical approaches to mitigate H5N1 bird flu
Restrictions and testing of livestock among efforts to slow spread of H5N1
Western University


Making kids' heart surgery safer
Researchers test an imaging technique to monitor the brain during surgery.
Toronto Metropolitan University


Treating eye tumours with light
In a world-first, researcher develop a laser-based treatment for a type of cancer
University Health Network


Tackling in-hospital cardiac arrest with advanced AI
Research explores using AI to predict which patients are most at risk and recommend life-saving interventions.
The University of Ottawa


Researchers discover ‘trojan horse' virus hiding in human parasite
The virus is associated with severe inflammation in humans
The University of Toronto – Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research


A recipe for safety
Researchers explore how to make allergy-friendly foods more accessible and affordable for Canadians.
The University of Manitoba


Building trust in population health information and interventions
Applied Public Health Chair to address vaccination barriers.
The University of British Columbia


Can Alzheimer's disease be passed on through transplants?
Researchers discover that Alzheimer's disease may also be produced outside the brain.
The University of British Columbia – Michael Smith Labs


Advancing holistic healthcare
Research team working to integrate traditional and non-traditional approaches to healthcare.
Carleton University


Improving stroke research
Researcher aims to improve imaging methods to better see the damage caused by a stroke.
The University of Manitoba


Rare disease network for children to help researchers work together and improve health outcomes
RareKids-CAN network to help diagnose and treat children with rare disease more quickly.
The University of British Columbia


Restricting the use of benzodiazepines
Study shows that limiting the medication benzodiazepine reduces the risk delirium after an operation.
McMaster University – Population Health Research Institute


Researcher tackles global challenges of antimicrobial resistance
Researcher explores how DNA sequencing and AI can be used to treat drug-resistant bacteria.
Western University


Understanding the human genome
Study reveals the underlying factors that open the genome and create new genes, a discovery that could lead to treatments for diseases such as diabetes or Parkinson's disease.
The Montreal Clinical Research Institute – Université de Montréal


Diabetes prevention program rolls out across Canada
Canadians at risk of Type 2 diabetes encouraged to take small steps toward better health.
The University of British Columbia


Support for stroke recovery
Research team launches first-of-its-kind study in Canada that will connect volunteers with stroke survivors for at-home practical support.
Sinai Health


Helping people with spinal cord injuries improve their balance
Study looks at a training system that uses a sensor to improve balance and posture.
University Health Network


Supercharging Canada's biomanufacturing capacity
Research team develops a biomanufacturing process that could support future cancer treatments.
The University of Ottawa  


Furthering our understanding of cerebral palsy
Canadian-led study reveals that cerebral palsy may be caused by both genetic and environmental factors.
McGill University


Covid-19's ability to slow the body's response to infection
Study reveals how SARS-CoV-2 disrupts the manufacture of proteins.
The University of Toronto


Using evidence to drive health policy
Canada Research Chair to examine key areas of substance use health.
Memorial University


Mirroring the heart
Researchers create a model that helps us better understand the role of certain heart cells in both heart development and disease.
University Health Network


Understanding bleeding disorders
Study focuses on inherited bleeding disorders to help those whose conditions often go undiagnosed.
Queen's University


How human cells stay healthy
Study discovers a DNA repair mechanism.
The University of Toronto


Improving early childhood music education
Researchers develop tool that allows music to be more accessible and enjoyable.
The University of Toronto


Research finds strategies to help diagnose and treat a rare, aggressive syndrome that often leads to cancer
Study finds that the type and severity of the syndrome depends on variations in certain inherited genes.
The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)


Mapping protein movement  
Study maps, for the first time ever, how proteins move and change through a cell cycle.
The University of Toronto – The Donnelly Centre


Targeted treatment for heart failure in children
Study shows promise in treating children with cardiomyopathy, the leading cause of heart failure in children.
The Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research


Researchers investigate health issues for vulnerable and underrepresented groups
Different research phases examine topics from substance use to access to health services.
The University of Manitoba


Children's social circumstances dictate outcomes in emergency care
The social determinants of health affect risk of disease and access to care.
The University of Alberta


Researchers can now predict kidney failure more accurately
New digital tool helps inform treatment decisions for chronic kidney disease.
The University of Calgary


Racism leads First Nations patients to leave emergency departments without completing care
First Nations patients face anti-Indigenous stereotypes and language.
The University of Alberta


Postpartum depression therapy and our genes
Researchers study whether changes in one's behaviour and environment turn certain genes on and off and affect the success of treatment for postpartum depression.
Brock University


Which cells have the greatest potential to repair the lungs of pre-term babies?
Clinical trial begins to test a new cell therapy.
The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute


How a master neuron controls movement in worms with implications for human disease
Part of the nervous system plays a crucial role in controlling a worm's ability to shift between forward and backward movement.
Sinai Health


AI-powered digital imaging system to speed up biopsy results
Technology to deliver faster results and enable swift treatment decisions.
The University of Waterloo


Mobilizing students, researchers and robots to help kids thrive
Using technology to improve the quality of life for kids with movement impairments.
The University of Calgary


The essential role of a protein in proper cell function
Researchers identify a vital protein necessary for the body's cells to work.
Université de Montréal


A new target for cystic fibrosis treatment
A rare cell type in the airways of the lungs could be the key to new types of treatments.
The University of Saskatchewan


Closing the palliative care gap
Research reveals disparities in end-of-life care for people with opioid use disorder.
University Health Network


The economic impact of eating disorders in children and youth
Study highlights the need for national surveillance.
CHEO Research Institute and the University of Calgary


Improving recruitment to clinical trials
Program connects cancer patients in smaller centres with critical and potentially live-saving clinical trials.
Western University


Social factors affect dialysis choice for kidney patients
Study highlights barriers to a particular type of treatment.
The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute


Friendship skills for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (story available only in French)
A coaching program for parents helps kids with ADHD.
The Montfort Hospital


Unlocking Cardiac Repair
Researchers explore the role of a protein in repairing tissue after a heart attack
University Health Network


Immune response: SLAM receptors confirm their protective role against several serious diseases
NK (natural killer) cells are capable of memory and can help protect against viruses.
Montreal Clinical Research Institute — University of Montreal


The Messages in Your Cells
Study reveals how blood vessel cells directionally communicate with surrounding cells.
University Health Network


Furthering research on late-onset Alzheimer's in women
Researchers explore how estrogen levels are connected to developing late-onset Alzheimer's.
Brock University


University of Alberta researcher advancing HIV research
Postdoctoral fellow Shima Shahbaz's research studies natural protective immunity against HIV infection
The University of Alberta


Fast-tracking pediatric cancer classification
Researchers develop a way to quickly identify and classify some pediatric cancers, giving doctors the information needed to offer timely treatment options.
University Health Network


Resolving inflammation
Researchers uncover potential targets for treating neurodegenerative inflammation.
University Health Network


Research discovery improves our understanding of the brain
Researchers uncover how specific neurons in the brain trigger movements during defensive behaviours to protect against a perceived threat.
The University of Calgary


Clinical trial results could redefine cervical cancer treatment
Research shows that simple hysterectomies are a less invasive treatment option for people with early-stage cervical cancer.
The University of British Columbia


Walking well for active aging
Study reveals how neighbourhood walkability and outdoor walking habits promotes health and well-being among older adults.
University Health Network


Targeting post-cancer treatment and rehabilitation
Researchers explore movement and functional abilities for post surgical treatment of breast cancer patients.
The University of Saskatchewan


Blueprinting Lupus flares
Researchers uncover different ways that Lupus can manifest.
University Health Network


Hamilton Health Sciences researcher leads uniquely Canadian blood cancer study
Researchers launch a national clinical trial to determine better and cost-effective treatments for older adults with multiple myeloma.
Hamilton Health Sciences


Concussion research focused on brain injuries from intimate partner violence
Brain injury is a significant challenge that many intimate partner violence survivors face.
The University of Victoria


Lessons from COVID-19
Research suggests that a vaccination approach that combines vaccines administered through the nose and injection can improve immune response.
CHU Sainte-Justine


Financial strain is bad for our health
Canada Research Chair Candace Nykiforuk's study reveals the impact that financial strain has on people's health and how we can address these concerns.
The University of Alberta


A multi-disciplinary approach to researching deafness
Researchers launch an international study to further understand sensory experiences with cochlear implants.
Université Laval & New York University


New research highlights health risks for pregnant teenagers
Study finds that pregnant Ontario teens are at a higher risk of premature death.
Unity Health Toronto


Providing support for pregnant and parenting teens
Programs provide support and resources for future and current teen parents to help address a recent study that found pregnant teens are at a greater risk of premature death.
The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)


Nicotine use in adolescents and the mental health impacts
Study finds that adolescents that regularly use nicotine have an increased risk of developing mood and anxiety disorders later in life.
Western University


Disparities in end-of-life care
Research shows how COVID-19 impacted palliative care and amplified socioeconomic disparities.
University Health Network


Decoding sleep to reveal our state of health
How does the amount of sleep we get affect our health?
Université de Montréal


New research pinpoints an issue with a common chemotherapy drug
Researchers discover two enzymes that work against the drug and allow cancer cells to grow.
The University of Toronto Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research


Advancing research of a rare brain disease in children
Researchers uncover how gene mutations lead to the ultra-rare Borjeson-Forssman-Lehmann Syndrome.
The University of Ottawa


New tool predicts premature menopause in childhood cancer survivors
The modelling tool helps predict risk so that health professionals can provide personalize care options.
The University of Alberta


Research discovery redefining rare disease
Discovery has potential to change how patients are tested for Zellweger Spectrum Syndrome.
IWK Health


Decoding diabetic kidney disease
Uncovering the different ways that diabetic kidney disease develops in males and females.
University Health Network


Lésion de la moelle épinière : stimuler la plasticité des neurones pour améliorer la marche (story available in French only) [Spinal cord injury : Stimulating the brain to improve walking]
Une nouvelle région cérébrale a été identifiée comme cible thérapeutique pour permettre la récupération spontanée de la marche après une lésion de la moelle épinière. [Researchers identify a new region of the brain to target with therapies to help patients walk after a spinal cord injury.]
Université Laval


Improving newcomer access to diabetes screening
Researcher aims to improve newcomers' access to programs that screen for and treat Type 2 diabetes.
Brock University


Students develop app to support aging Canadians
Alberta students win the Healthcare for Aging Canadians Challenge with app that matches seniors with technology and students to help them learn how to use it.
NorQuest College


Promoting healthy eating for young Canadians
Study on creating a healthy eating environment calls for a ban on junk food marketing to children.
Université Laval


The science of psilocybin-assisted treatment for alcohol use disorder
Exploring how psychedelics combined with therapy can help someone reduce or stop drinking.
The University of Calgary


How fat in the brain could be the key to better understanding Parkinson's disease
Researcher looks at how changes to lipids play a role in the neurodegenerative disease.
The University of Alberta


Exploring an unrealized treatment approach for disease
Researchers develop a new platform to find proteins that can be used to help treat different diseases.
The University of Toronto


Research finds a direct communication path between the lungs and the brain
Findings show that communication can affect the way the brain functions and the way someone behaves.
The University of Calgary


AI model used to design superbug-fighting antibiotics
A new AI model called SynthMol can create new antibiotics that stop the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
McMaster University


Researcher recognized for her contributions in the field of chronic pain management
Dr. Jennifer Stinson earns prize for her iCanCope project, a mobile app for young people that live with Sickle Cell Disease.
The University of Toronto


Une avancée majeure pour contrer les infections respiratoires (story available in French only) [A major step forward in the fight against respiratory infections].
Chercheurs publient une étude sur un nouveau nanovaccin [Researchers publish study on new nanvaccine.]
Université du Québec à Montréal


Researchers a step closer to HIV cure
New study shows virus-like particle can ‘shock and kill' latent HIV reservoir in those living with chronic HIV.
Western University


Study reveals how worrying about the return of mental health episodes impacts people's lives
Fear of illness recurrence (FIR) is a reality for many people in remission from depression, but how they cope varies.
Concordia University


How some heart medications impact gut health
Study finds that certain medications affect micro-organisms in the gut, which impacts overall health.
The University of Calgary


Tailored approach to stroke recovery
Post-stroke depressive symptoms disproportionately impact women and rehabilitation programs should be tailored to meet different needs.
University Health Network


Research reveals that Cerebral Palsy in children may be caused by both genetic and environmental factors
Until recently, genetic contributors to Cerebral Palsy were largely unknown.
The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)


Research identifies genes that may be partially responsible for the development of Cerebral Palsy
One in ten children with Cerebral Palsy have a genetic variant associated with their condition.
The McGill University Health Centre


Surgeons' choice of skin disinfectant impacts infection risk
Canadian-American study shows that using a certain cleaning agent could prevent surgical site infection.
McMaster University and Maryland School of Medicine


NeuroVISION-2 Biobank Initiative: Age-related cognitive impairment research
The initiative explores risks and how to detect or predict brain injury throughout a patient's surgical journey.
Population Health Research Institute – McMaster University and Hamilton Health Sciences


University of British Columbia study offers new hope for treating relapsed childhood leukemia
Research uncovers how pediatric leukemia changes in cases where it returns.
University of British Columbia


Dr. Humphry Fonge is making a difference at the University of Saskatchewan
His research is improving imaging tools to better diagnose deadly cancers.
University of Saskatchewan


University Health Network KITE researchers create a specialized toolkit to help long-term care teams navigate challenges.
Toolkit fosters communication, collaboration and staff engagement.
The University Health Network


Immune response can cause neurological damage following an infection, McMaster researchers discover
How our immune system responds to viral infections like Zika or Covid-19 is responsible for neurological diseases, not the infections themselves.
McMaster University


PhD student aims to raise awareness of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy among Black Canadian women
The impact of race and ethnicity on women's cardiovascular health is at the heart of Deborah Baiden's ;doctoral research.
The University of Toronto


Targeting a cancer driver
Researchers discover how a protein can help treat cancers.
University Health Network


New ‘spatial' biomarkers could better predict treatment outcomes for Hodgkin lymphoma
Discovery helps researchers better understand how cancer cells and nearby tissue interact.
The University of British Columbia


University of Calgary researcher develops new tool to diagnose genetic mutations
Device helps to receive genetic analysis faster and easier than current methods.
The University of Calgary


The sickest long COVID patients face symptoms identical to chronic fatigue syndrome
Researchers uncover that amino acid deficiencies may be causing long covid symptoms.
The University of Alberta


Sinai Health team enlists AI to untangle cellular diversity
Researchers develop a way to streamline identifying cell types, which could help drive personalized medicine and disease research.
Mount Sinai Hospital


Researchers discover one million new components of the human genome
A method called ‘exon trapping' helped identify the previously unknown stretches of DNA.
The University of Toronto


Revolutionizing pediatric pneumonia care
Researchers aim to reduce antibiotic overuse in Canadian emergency departments.
McMaster University


Unravelling the mystery of weight regain in youth
Researchers launch study that explores how kids burn calories after weight loss.
McMaster University


Breathing new life into premature baby care
Research strives to enhance respiratory support without tubes.
McMaster University


National study seeks to close research gaps for kids with chronic gastrointestinal inflammation
Researchers compare two treatment options for paediatric Crohn's disease.
The University of Calgary


COVID-19 rapid tests: how good are they?
Researchers find that COVID-19 self-tests are effective at preventing transmission.
The McGill University Health Centre


Humber College research leads to a health-care clinic for underserved communities
Innovative model offered in Guatemala comes to Toronto.
Humber College


It's never too late to quit smoking
Study reveals that quitting smoking at any age brings major long-term health benefits.
The University of Toronto


Researchers mark new chapter in fight against muscular dystrophy
The research project will help advance understanding and treatment for muscle diseases.
University of Toronto – Mississauga


A drug used to treat multiple sclerosis boosts cancer-fighting virus in lab models
Immune-based therapies show promise as potential cancer treatments.
The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute


Treating liver cancer with microrobots piloted by a magnetic field
Research develop treatment for liver cancer using magnet-guided microrobots in an MRI device.
Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal


When hormones hurt the heart
Study unveils connection between hormone disorder and possible negative cardiovascular outcomes.
The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute


Researchers seek clues to how monkeypox virus may infiltrate brain cells
Study is the first to examine how the virus may be causing neurological symptoms.
The University of Alberta


Using cannabis can ease cravings for street-level drugs
Study shows cannabis could be a harm reduction strategy to address the opioid overdose crisis.
The University of British Columbia


Viagra to treat oxygen-deprived newborns
Currently, there are limited options for treating babies who run out of oxygen during pregnancy or birth.
The McGill University Health Centre


Beyond treatment: Online wellness program ‘a game-changer,' say patients
EMPOWER program helps patients living with chronic conditions adopt daily coping and movement habits.
University of Alberta


New class of antivirals works against broad range of RNA viruses including the virus that causes COVID-19
The new class of drugs have the potential to prevent or treat infections.
The University of Alberta


Cardiac-resynchronization defibrillators still saving lives after 14 years
Long-term follow-up study shows that devices known as ‘biventricular pacemakers' continue to save the lives of many people facing heart failure.
University of Alberta


Exploring cannabidiol (CBD) as treatment for mental health
First of its kind clinical trial to determine the effectiveness of CBD for bipolar depression.
The University of British Columbia


Recherche pour aider à développer de nouveaux traitements pour le cancer pédiatrique (article available in French only) [Research to help develop new treatments for pediatric cancer]
Des chercheurs étudient les extrémités des chromosomes pour développer de nouveaux traitements. [Researchers are exploring the ends of chromosomes to develop new treatments.]
Université de Sherbrooke


New study links placental oxygen levels to fetal brain development
Researchers use MRI to show how health of placenta may influence childhood cognition, behaviour.
Western University


Liver health and brain function
Researchers have discovered that molecules secreted by the liver play a significant role in brain function.
University Health Network


Whole genome sequencing reveals new genetic marker for cardiomyopathy
Using methods developed at SickKids, researchers lay the groundwork for early detection and future precision medicine.
The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)


Building an inclusive clinical trial community
An innovative new unit supports health researchers in launching and conducting impactful clinical trials.
The Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre


University of Saskatchewan researchers seek to develop new breast cancer treatments
Research to focus on improving treatments and reducing side effects.
The University of Saskatchewan


Clinical trial results could transform cervical cancer treatment
Study shows that a simple hysterectomy is effective when treating low-risk, early-stage cervical cancer.
Queen's University


Researchers revolutionizing understanding of nicotine's effect on adolescent brain
Study to explore nicotine's link to mood and anxiety disorders in youth.
Western University

05-01-24 Researchers explore changes to microbiome following weight-loss surgery
Study suggests that microbiome-based therapies such as probiotics and fecal matter transplants have the potential to improve metabolic health.
The University of Toronto
08-01-24 University of Alberta team uncovers new biological marker for scleroderma
Simple blood test can predict who will get severe disease and could also point the way to future treatments.
The University of Alberta
08-01-24 Study finds new role for gut hormone GLP-1 in the brain
A University of Toronto researcher has discovered a gut-brain immune network that controls inflammation across the body and affects organ health.
The University of Toronto
08-01-24 Brock-led research uncovers breakthrough in age-related disease
Research paves the way for possible treatments for diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and dementia.
Brock University
09-01-24 University Health Network (UHN) decoding rare liver disease
Research led by UHN accelerates the potential for new drug therapies.
The University Health Network
09-01-24 COVID-19 affected Canadians with noncommunicable diseases more than those without, according to a new report
Latest iCARE study reveals how mental health declined for many people who live with chronic ailments.
Concordia University
10-01-24 Machine learning used to predict future health as Canadians age
Data crunching programs can detect patterns to inform your medical care as you get older.
The University of Alberta
10-01-24 New Toronto Dementia Research Alliance collaboration
Helping women with diabetes quit smoking.
The University of Toronto
11-01-24 Joint efforts by University of Saskatchewan research team simulate Canada's cannabis consumption
Researchers are developing models to determine the effects of cannabis more accurately.
The University of Saskatchewan
11-01-24 With heart-on-a-chip, researchers study genetic mutation underlying cardiac muscle disease
Device helps study a heart muscle disease that impairs blood flow throughout the body.
The University of Toronto
16-01-24 Setting the agenda for climate science
University of Alberta climate and health scientist represents Canada at United Nations panel.
The University of Alberta
16-01-24 Wastewater monitoring
Research aims to enhance tuberculosis prevention and detection in Nunavut.
The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
17-01-24 University Health Network empowering women in heart health
KITE researchers address gaps in educational resources for cardiac rehabilitation for women.
The University Health Network
19-01-24 Liver can generate palmitic acid to maintain brain health, study suggests
When we don't get enough palmitic acid in our diets, the liver can step in to generate it.
The University of Toronto
19-01-24 Tiny trailblazer: First-baby treated in world-first trial for chronic lung disease
Treatment aims to prevent or lesson the effects of the disease because there is no cure.
The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
22-01-24 Classifying Parkinson's Disease
Scientists propose new, biologically-based classification system for Parkinson's Disease.
The University Health Network
23-04-24 How does a tuberculosis vaccine provide protection against lung viral infections?
Research team provides new insights on cross-protection from the 100-year-old vaccine.
The Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre
23-01-24 Immune response to gut bacteria linked to onset of Type 1 Diabetes (T1D)
Research provides deeper understanding of the role the gut microbiome plays in the immune system of children at risk for T1D.
The Hospital for Sick Kids
24-01-24 New research suggests chronic pain is different for males and females
Understanding sex differences in how pain develops and resolves in mice could one day lead to new, targeted treatments in humans, says researcher.
The University of Alberta
24-01-24 Research seeks to help children with chronic kidney disease
Study makes a breakthrough discovery into the role of the immune system in childhood idiopathic nephrotic syndrome.
The Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre
25-01-24 Dr. Catherine Mah is taking aim at social impacts on food purchasing and diet
Research looks at the role of the consumer food environment in food availability and affordability, social equity, and population diet.
Dalhousie University
29-01-24 The University of Calgary research boosts understanding of common heart rhythm disorder
Team identifies receptor with important role in preventing atrial fibrillation.
The University of Calgary
29-01-24 University of Toronto researchers' Artificial Intelligence model designs proteins to deliver gene therapy
Study shows how this work improves the efficacy of gene therapy and reduces side effects.
The University of Toronto
29-01-24 McMaster study at the intersection of aging and infectious disease
Multi-year study looks at the connection between respiratory infections and brain aging
McMaster University
29-01-24 Treatment-resistant depression: mouse study reveals surprising new insights
Research suggests possible treatment option to further explore
The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
29-01-24 Investigating brain resilience in aging and dementia
Research builds upon data from British Columbia's largest-ever health study
Simon Fraser University
31-01-24 Clinical trial to test new treatment in patients with a genetic heart condition
Known as the TaRGET trial, it will test an oral treatment for arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy
The Population Health Research Institute (McMaster University and Hamilton Health Sciences)
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